Beauty Contest: a.k.a. the Keynesian Guessing Game. Whetting the appetite for the class. Not much will be explained at this time—just leave students with some basic intuition, as we will come back to this game more formally and in-depth in Chapter 3.
Extensive form game: alternating round bargaining.
Strategic form game: Prisoner’s Dilemma, either the matrix or Push n’ Pull.
Beauty Contest: a.k.a. the Keynesian Guessing Game. Demonstrate iterative logic and forecasting.
Private Value, Sealed Bid Auction: with second-price rule
Matrix: design your own m x n game
Coordination Games: Battle of the Sexes, Stag Hunt; Minimum Effort
Judge Me Not: complicated payoff function, interior equilibrium with n>13
The Classics: Matching Pennies; Rock, Paper, Scissors
MinMax: Asymmetric, mixed-strategy equilibrium
Hide & Seek: Do focal points affect equilibrium play?
Matrix: design your own m x n game
Ultimatum: Available in either game-play or strategy method
Auctions: First-price private value; Common value
Market for Lemons: Classic game leads to discussion of real-world solutions