Why Our Games?

Walter Yuan
What is MobLab?
In the natural and physical sciences, students learn by doing experiments and experiencing how things work first-hand. MobLab brings powerful game-based learning experiences to economics, management, and all of the social sciences, by combining cutting-edge technology with an immersive user interface, an innovative teaching method, and lively learning content.MobLab’s suite of games allows instructors to setup, run, and monitor interactive games in a matter of minutes, and access the data in real time. Students can participate in games by using their smartphones, tablets, or laptop computers, either in a classroom or as part of a homework assignment.How does MobLab work?
Instructors can get up and running with MobLab quickly. The basic steps to using MobLab in a classroom are:
Register for an instructor account on our website. Create a class, add a playlist or survey to the class, drag the desired games/questions onto the playlist/survey. Students sign up for MobLab accounts and join an instructor’s class using a unique class code. When it is time to play, instructors click ‘Run Game’ on the desired game, students login, either through the MobLab app or a browser, and play! Here is a quick video tutorial for instructors!What are MobLab’s strengths?
It is mobile! Games run on iOS and Android devices as well as in all major web browsers. Students can participate using their preferred device and can even switch devices in the middle of a game session. It is efficient! Setting up is simple as dragging and dropping games onto a playlist, it’s ready to go. An entire session with repetitions can take only 10-20 min, which augments teaching with active participation without taking away precious lecture time. It is configurable! Games can be as short as a minute or as long as a week. Each game comes with a set of default parameters and is ready to be played with a single click, but can also be customized tailoring to a specific teaching plan. Student data and game results are available in real-time! Game data, statistics, and graphs are immediately available after the game. It is interactive! Students learn by experiencing markets and other interactions first-hand, bringing concepts to life and making the classroom a fun environment. It is reliable! Whether dozens or thousands of students are playing, MobLab technology works.